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giscience / big-data / ohsome / libs / ohsome2X
MIT LicenseUpdated -
giscience / big-data / ohsome / libs / changeset-metadata
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA wrapper for ChangesetMD, a tool to provide OpenStreetMap changeset metadata via a postgres database (https://github.com/ToeBee/ChangesetMD).
Archived 0Updated -
giscience / big-data / ohsome / libs / username-resolver
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA wrapper for whodidit, an OSM user names database (https://github.com/Zverik/whosthat).
Archived 0Updated -
Code collection for analyses run in the context of http://k1z.blog.uni-heidelberg.de/tag/osm-basics/
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The aim of the analysis was to decide if data quality of OpenStreetMap (OSM) was sufficient to perform an analysis of effects of the Jakarta 2013 flood on the road network and the accessibility of health sites. Analysis done in R.
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Archived 0Updated
giscience / disaster-tools / covid-19-research-map
Apache License 2.0Updated -
giscience / big-data / ohsome / libs / ohsome-filter
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyParser and interpreter for filters on OSM entities.
Archived 1Updated -
Calculation of land use shares of green and blue land use classes of grid cells, summed up NDVI per grid cell, NDVI boxplots per land use class (ATKIS and OSM)
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Comparison of OSM and ATKIS land use classes, intersections and symmetrical differences, possible grouping
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